When you purchase your auto insurance in Charlotte, NC, you expect it to protect you against most of the perils you encounter during your car ownership journey. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Auto insurance is broad, and therefore, you need to consider options that suit you. In light of this, Kempton Insurance Group shares add-ons that you can consider to boost your auto insurance plan.
Roadside assistance
While breakdowns are part of the car ownership journey, they sting more when they happen away from home. Fortunately, when you have roadside assistance coverage, your insurer tows you to the nearest garage for repair. Besides, you also get services like gas delivery, battery jumpstarting, puncture repair, and other roadside repairs when your car stalls. If you are a person who spends most of the time on the road, consider purchasing this coverage.
Zero depreciation
When you claim damages to your car, the insurance company normally factors in the depreciation factor when repairing your car. If the difference is significant, you will be hit with a severe out-of-pocket liability, messing with your finances. However, when you have the depreciation coverage, you are adequately covered despite depreciation.
Return to invoice
When your car is totaled or stolen, your insurer compensates you against the insured declared value (IDV), which is your car’s current market value minus depreciation. However, when you have purchased return to invoice coverage, your insurer compensates you for the equivalent of the market value of your car model. This coverage is ideal if you live in theft-prone areas and your car is bought locally and is less than three years old.
Engine coverage
When your engine is damaged during an accident, your current auto insurance should cover the repair or replacement costs. However, your engine isn’t covered if damage results from other perils like rain or flood. Engine protect covers repairs of your engine when damaged by water ingression and oil leak.
Would you like to boost your current auto insurance? Please talk to Kempton Insurance Group of Charlotte, NC to help you maximize your auto insurance.