7427 Matthews Mint Hill Rd
Suite 105-356
Charlotte, NC 28227
Your boat is an incredible source of fun and pleasure. From taking a pontoon out on the lake and soaking up the sun to cruising through waterways on your speed boat, there's just nothing like fun on the water. However, your boat or other watercraft represents a sizeable monetary purchase, which is why you need to protect it. If you live in or around North Carolina, South Carolina, and/or Virginia, Kempton Insurance Group can help you with determining your insurance needs and making the right choices.
Your boat is at a higher risk of damage while in transit than when in the water. While there are always issues of running aground or navigating your boat over a log or other debris when in the water, your entire boat is at risk when in transit. In the event of an auto accident, while towing your boat, your vehicle will be covered by auto insurance. However, your boat will likely not be covered. Even if the accident is the other driver's fault, you may be forced to go to court to pay for the boat, which is another significant expense and investment of time. Instead, with boat insurance, you'll have your boat covered both in the water and while in transit.
Our states are not immune from larger storms. If a storm hits, there isn't much you can do about your boat other than hope the storage space is secure. If it is damaged while in storage, your boat insurance can help pay for damages.
Damage to any boat or watercraft will likely be expensive. Repairs must be conducted at specialty repair shops, and replacement parts for boats are not cheap. So, instead of paying out-of-pocket for these kinds of repairs, you need to take out insurance for your vehicle. When living around the greater North Carolina, South Carolina, and/or Virginia area, the staff at Kempton Insurance Group are here to help. So, give us a call and let us help you get a quote today.
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