You might think that commercial insurance is an unnecessary expense. However, two out of five businesses will need to take advantage of their insurance. It’s better to have commercial insurance and not need it than to need it and not have it. If you need to use your commercial insurance, filing a claim is easier than you think.
Evidence and Police Report
You’ll need some photographic evidence immediately if there’s any physical damage. With cell phones’ ubiquity, this shouldn’t be a problem. If there was an auto accident, theft, vandalism, or burglary, you might need to make a police report. Get names and contact info from all witnesses.
Report the Claim
You may contact your insurance agent either online or over the phone. Have all the information you need on hand, including when and where the accident occurred and the type of incident for which you’re filing a claim. An adjuster should be assigned to you within 24 to 48 hours. Once they have assessed the damage, you can get estimates for replacement or repairs.
Settling the Claim
If your insurance company does not bill you, you must submit an invoice and receipt to the company. This is necessary for reimbursement for business insurance claims. You may be required to file a liability claim should anyone be injured. You will, of course, need to notify your attorney.
Contact Kempton Insurance Group Serving Charlotte, NC
If you need commercial insurance and live in the Charlotte, NC area, don’t hesitate to contact Kempton Insurance Group. Our knowledgeable and courteous agents are dedicated to giving you the service you deserve.